Monday, February 24, 2014

Industrial Final Image

For this image I used a base image of a boiler room. I added in the texture of a peg board to a side wall, a down light tile to the pipes, and a fence to the back wall. For objects I added in a mixer, a pipe, and a light bulb, and for colors I added a silver/grey overtone to the boiler and a brown tint to the back ground wall behind the fence.

For this image I used a base of a kiln room. I added in a brick texture, grate texture, and tarp texture. I then added in coal into the kiln and a coal bucket onto the shelf. For colors I made the kiln appear to be copper and made the top of the kiln a blue tarnished color.


Monday, February 10, 2014

Mood Board-Industrial

Mood board Part I: Research

Industrial—According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of industrial is “of or relating to factories, the people who work in factories, or the things made in factories”
1.    When I think of industrial I immediately think of the industrial revolution when most common luxuries were being invented, i.e. old cars, factories, old machinery and tools, coal (like the engines that would have powered machinery)
2.    Cities/industrial hubs also represent industrial well because they came into full force when the industrial resolution was going on
3.    I also think of new and shiny equipment/places to represent industrial, such as brushed metals and stainless steels

Mood board Part II: Visuals

1. Places Visuals:

2.  Textures Visuals:

3. Objects Visuals:

Mood board Part III: Colors

1.    Rusty Orange, copper, greenish-blue (like tarnished copper), brown, silver

Mood board Part IV: Execution

1. Places:  For places, I would like to go into Harrisburg and take pictures of the run down parts, so long as I feel safe when doing so. If this doesn’t work there is also a location in Lebanon I would like to take pictures, which was once an old factory.

2.    Textures:  I will be looking for textures when I go to either location and will also go to my brother-in-law’s garage, which has lots of different textures

3. Objects: I plan to go to my brother-in-law's house/garage to take pictures because he has a coal stove/coal stove tools which will tie in nicely with my kiln/stove idea and he also has a lot of tools/car parts, which i plan on tying into my boiler picture.

Mood board Part V:  Bringing it together

I would like to take images, which will make up an image that contains the look of an old rundown factory/building with possibly the combination of old (rust, wear) and new (brushed metal, shine) textures to make up the idea of the new vs. old.  I may also go for an image involving some sort of welding of different textures to take the industrial idea of making something new and improved.
These previous ideas may still come into play if the snow melts a bit and I can get to my areas I was originally planning on going to. If not, my new pictures involve a kiln, which i plan on making appear to be a coal stove, like those that power many industries. To this picture I plan on adding items typically used with a coal stove. My second image is from a boiler room and I plan to add tools and other objects I find in my adventures.